About sonicbee

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So far sonicbee has created 53 blog entries.

We proudly present our IAM training courses!

We proudly present our IAM training courses! Who can do what and why is that? That is the core question of information security that is central to the field [...]

We proudly present our IAM training courses!2023-08-28T14:37:22+02:00

Governance of things – II

Governance of things - II IGA versus CMDB   (Identity Governance Administration v.s. Configuration Management Database)  In my previous blog, I discussed the topic of managing the digital identity of devices, [...]

Governance of things – II2023-08-28T17:21:00+02:00

Governance of things

Governance of things More and more non-human accounts are appearing in organizations. Accounts that belong to things, robots, RPAs (Robotic Process Automation components), devices, sensors and what not. Accounts that need access to systems, processes, [...]

Governance of things2023-08-29T17:09:15+02:00

New HQ for SonicBee

New HQ for SonicBee Our New Office in Amsterdan As of today, SonicBee has a head office at Kraanspoor 50 in Amsterdam. Our new office offers a panoramic view [...]

New HQ for SonicBee2023-08-31T09:43:33+02:00

The rediscovery of information security

The rediscovery of information security This blog has been due for quite some time. Since new privacy regulations have come into play, data breaches in (online) information systems have [...]

The rediscovery of information security2023-08-28T17:00:51+02:00

AMA Session for Identity Management Day

AMA Session Identity Management Day 2021 This day marks the first Identity Management Day. And the organization committee, led by the Identity Defined Security Alliance explains the mission of [...]

AMA Session for Identity Management Day2023-08-28T13:24:55+02:00

Partner network expanded with IDPro!

Partner network expanded with IDPro! We are very pleased to announce that Sonic Bee has become a member of IDPro. IDPro exists to globally foster ethics and excellence in [...]

Partner network expanded with IDPro!2022-06-08T11:14:16+02:00

Member of Cyberveilig Nederland

Partner network expanded with Cyberveilig Nederland! SonicBee has become a member of Cyberveilig Nederland and expands its partnernetwork. About Cyberveilig Nederland: Elevating Digital Resilience and Quality Cyberveilig Nederland is [...]

Member of Cyberveilig Nederland2023-08-31T09:50:44+02:00

Dutch Security TechFund invests in SonicBee

Dutch Security TechFund invests in SonicBee to make data access safe and compliant TIIN Capital Backs SonicBee's Mission for a Safer Digital Society Naarden / Leusden, February 22nd, 2021 [...]

Dutch Security TechFund invests in SonicBee2023-08-31T09:55:14+02:00

Partner network expanded with Nexis!

Partner network expanded! We proudly present you our first official #tech #partnership. We know Nexis GmbH as a unique solution for setting up complex identity governance structures. Although this is still largely underexposed, [...]

Partner network expanded with Nexis!2022-06-08T11:21:43+02:00
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