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Learn everything about role modeling & role management with NEXIS4

This session is particularly relevant for professionals within organizations involved in role modeling and role management, or currently working on implementing an Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) solution.

This demo session is tailored for IAM project managers, architects, CISOs, auditors, and functional/technical application managers aiming for effective role management and optimizing their IGA processes. It’s an excellent opportunity to delve into the capabilities of NEXIS4 and discover how this solution can add value to your organization.

In addition to the valuable content of the demo session, we also provide the opportunity to network informally over lunch and exchange experiences. This is a unique chance to connect with like-minded professionals and establish valuable connections.

We look forward to welcoming you on February 6 and experiencing an inspiring and informative session together. Please confirm your attendance so that we can accommodate your participation.

With whom? Michael Kunz
Where? SonicBee Headquarters – Dotslash Utrecht – Europalaan 400 – ground floor
When? Tuesday, February 6th from 11.30 – 15.00 + lunch 

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