IGA analytics and control in the best way
“NEXIS4-aaS is the exclusive solution that is ideally suited to unravel and optimize complex IGA environments. It provides access privilege scans, risk analysis and visual (re-)modeling of entitlement structures. The platform simplifies entitlements and role maintenance and supports adherence to existing compliance requirements. The special feature: NEXIS4-aaS integrates business departments in companies using easily configurable dashboards and services. This significantly improves end-user acceptance of access governance processes.
The benefits for enterprises are far-reaching:
Increased IT security and compliance, greater automation in role and rights management, reduced administrative activities in IAM and much more.

SonicBee relies on NEXIS 4 as the unique solution to manage IGA in complex environments
We work with the NEXIS 4 tool to ensure that organizations get the IGA in order quickly and very carefully. SonicBee business consultants use NEXIS4-aaS during the Autorization Analytics and IGA Optimization Advisory Services. As experts in the field of IGA, SonicBee sees no alternative product to control complex IGA environments in this intelligent and advanced way. NEXIS GmbH is founded by specialists who are known as masters (PhD) in science in the field of IGA analytics.
We are an exclusive partner in the Benelux, greater Rühr area and surroundings and are the only organization that can provide this as a cloud service. All IAM SonicBee’s business experts are NEXIS 4 certified and have experience in unraveling, structuring and improving complex Role Based Access Control (RBAC) in a very efficient and analytical way. We see NEXIS4-aaS as an indispensable tool for any organization that wants to tackle IGA professionally.